Sunday, December 30, 2012

Being a More Christian Christian

If you would like to read Elder Hales' talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The First Great Commandment

If you would like to read Elder Holland's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Blessings of the Sacrament

If you would like to read Elder Clarke's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Trial of Your Faith

If you would like to read Elder Andersen's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Becoming Goodly Parents

If you would like to read Elder Perry's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Of Regrets and Resolutions

If you would like to read President Uchtdorf's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Converted unto the Lord

If you would like to read Elder Bednar's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Where Is the Pavilion?

If you would like to read President Eyring's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Be Anxiously Engaged

If you would like to read Elder Ballard's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Consider the Blessings

If you would like to read President Monson's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

"As I have reviewed the past 49 years, I have made some discoveries.  One is that countless experiences I have had were not necessarily those one would consider extraordinary.  In fact, at the time they transpired, they often seemed unremarkable and even ordinary.  And yet, in retrospect, they enriched and blessed lives - not the least of which was my own.  I would recommend this same exercise to you - namely, that you take an inventory of your life and look specifically for the blessings, large and small, you have received."  

"The Lord is in all of our lives.  He loves us.  He wants to bless us.  He wants us to seek His help.  As he guides us and directs us and as he hears and answers our prayers, we will find the happiness here and now that he desires for us.  May we be aware of His blessings in our lives."

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thanks Be to God

If you would like to read Elder Nelson's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Powers of Heaven

If you would like to read Elder Bednar's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Faith, Fortitude, Fulfillment, A Message to Single Parents

If you would like to read Elder Baxter's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life

If you would like to read Elder Scott's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Arise to the Mountain

This is the song we are singing with the Young Women tomorrow in sacrament meeting. I have to listen to it a few times so I can concentrate on singing tomorrow instead of crying. This is so beautiful and it makes me tear up every time I hear it.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


If you would like to read Elder Oaks' talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Merciful Obtain Mercy

 If you would like to read President Uchtdorf's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Teaching Our Children to Understand

 If you would like to read Sister Esplin's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Converted to His Gospel through His Church

If you would like to read Elder Hallstrom's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Having the Vision to Do

If you would like to read Elder Haleck's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

The Vision of Prophets regarding Relief Society: Faith, Family, Relief


If you would like to read Sister Beck's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

In Tune with the Music of Faith

If you would like to read Elder Cook's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mountains to Climb

If you would like to read Elder Oak's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Only Upon the Principles of Righteousness

If you would like to read Elder Wilson's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What Thinks Christ of Me?

If you would like to read Elder Anderson's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Abide in the Lord's Territory!

If you would like to read Elder Soares' talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Labourers in the Vineyard

If you would like to read Elder Holland's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Advice from Elder Busche

Ann and Lenor recommended this inspiring video at our reading club discussion group last night and I wanted to share it with all of you. Enjoy this great message!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

That the Lost May Be Found

If you would like to read Elder Ballard's talk or follow along with the words while you listen go here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Special Lessons

If you would like to read Elder Rasband's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Race of Life

If you would like to read President Monson's talk or follow along with the words while watching the video go here.

Often when I hear or read a conference talk I am drawn to the questions that are asked by the speaker.  I feel like my answers to these questions can give me insight into what it is that I might need to focus on or change in my life.  President Monson introduces his topic by talking about how we all seem to be in a hurry, busy making many trivial decisions daily.  Then he asks the question,

"What is really important and what is merely trivial?"

What in my life do I feel is really important?
How can I know what is truly important?
Do my daily choices have more to do with the trivial or the important?
What do I focus on?
Do my choices reflect my values?
Are these the values I want to be reflecting to those around me?

President Monson quotes the Savior's words found in Matthew 6:19-21 that we should not lay up treasure on earth, but treasure in heaven.

What kind of treasure am I collecting as I go throughout my day?
Worldly treasure that will be left behind or heavenly treasure that will stay with me?

In Matthew 6, Jesus continues "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

"What is really important and what is merely trivial?"

President Monson tells of a woman who receives the news that her life may be cut short and how her priorities immediately change.

If I had a "moment of clarity" such as this, what would I change?

Why wait?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

How to Leave a Comment

I know there may be people who come to this site who haven't ever commented on a blog before so I am going to try to give you a quick tutorial.  I do everything on blogger by trial and error so this may not be the best way to do it, but it will work.

You have just read a post and have something you are dying to say about it.  The first thing you do is go to the bottom of what you just read and click on the comment button. (See where it says 0 comments)

When you click on this button a new window will pop up that looks like this.

First go to the Comment as: line under the space where the comment is written.  If you have a gmail account or a blogspot blog of your own, you can use your user name and password to leave your comment. If you don't know if you do, just keep reading.

If you don't have a google account, don't worry.  Click on the down arrow and this list of choices will appear.  You want to choose the one that says Name/URL.  Just click on it.

Then another window will pop up.  You put in the name that you want to show up with your comment.  I entered Dianne.  It would be good if you used your real name so everyone knows who made the comment, but you can choose to make up a name if you want to.  URL (on the second line) is the name of your website.  You probably don't have a website so you can just leave this line blank. If you have a website you probably don't need to read this tutorial, but go ahead and put it in the space. Then push the continue button.

Now you should be back to the box where you can type your comment. (Do you see your name in the comment as: box?  If you want to change it click on the Edit button.)  Start typing all the wonderful thoughts you have going through your head.

After you are done writing your comment it is probably a good idea to push the Preview button to see how your comment looks.  This is a good time to look for misspelled words or the wrong word, for example if you wrote our instead of out you could go back and fix it before you publish your comment.

When everything looks the way you want it to push Publish and your published comment should appear in the area above the "Enter your comment" space.  Once you publish your comment you can not change it, but you can delete it if you change your mind about what you said.

Try it out!  It's easy. It's fun.  And I'm tired of talking to myself.

Friday, June 1, 2012

What's in a Name?

When I was debating what the title of this blog site should be, the 3 words - listen, learn, practice - came to my mind.  This simple phrase is actually what I recorded following the opening prayer of the opening session of the most recent General Conference.  Since I didn't write down the name of the brother giving the prayer, I can't attribute these words to him, but I thank him for them anyway.  I am using them as a guide to studying the messages given during conference.

1. LISTEN - In order to get anything out of the conference talks I must first hear them.  I can accomplish this by watching them, listening to them or reading them.  This works best if it is done with an open and receptive heart.  Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that no matter how effectively a speaker may teach, "the content of a message and the witness of the Holy Ghost penetrate into the heart only  if a receiver allows them to enter." 

2.  LEARN - After I receive the conference message, then it is my responsibility to learn how it applies to me.  In the April 2012 Ensign there is a wonderful article entitled, "Getting More Out of General Conference" by Michael Barber and David Marsh.  In it they suggest 4 helpful study methods to enhance my learning as I review each talk.
        Ask questions. What does the Lord want me to learn from this message? How does this talk enhance my understanding of a gospel principle or a scripture? What do I learn from the stories?
        Write an outline. Divide the talk into sections and write a summary that explains the main idea in each section.  
This outline might come in very handy if I am ever asked to give a talk based on one of the General Conference messages.
        Identify various elements within the talk.  Take note of such things as doctrines, scriptures, stories, warnings, lists, testimonies, invitations to actions and blessings promised.  
        Study the talk more than once. Each time you study, make note of new insights you receive.
I like the idea of focusing on one specific talk each week.  This gives me time to read it several times and really dissect it and glean new ideas.
During my learning  I also like to ponder on other recent messages I have heard or read that may add to my understanding of the concepts being taught.  Frequently the Sunday School or Relief Society lessons tie in or I see reoccurring themes in my scripture study or conversations with others.

3. PRACTICE - This is usually the most difficult step of the conference study process for me. Listening for inspiration, writing it down and acting upon it. What do I need to do now that I know what I know?  How do these truths apply to MY life?  What do I need to change?  How can I incorporate this message into each day?
I like the word practice for this phase.  To me it is a kind word.  It doesn't demand perfection from the get go.  It gently says "Now work on this and eventually you will get it right." No one expects perfection from a practice session. It is where I can try, make mistakes, hopefully learn from my mistakes, and then try again. Practice makes perfect, it isn't perfect yet, but it will be one day if I keep at it. I try to remember that this life is full of practice sessions.  The final performance, and perfection, come later.

Listen. Learn. Practice.  Does anyone want to join me?

Thursday, May 31, 2012

General Conference Summer Reading Club

For the past couple of years, Stephanie has hosted an online General Conference book club on her blog, Diapers and Divinity. I have followed along sporadically for about a year or so. After General Conference in April, I felt inspired to start a reading club of my own (probably so my reading would be a little more consistent and thoughtful.) Unfortunately, instead of acting on that feeling, I tried to talk myself out of it. I couldn't really decide who to invite to join me - my family, my friends, my Relief Society sisters ... - or the best way to go about doing it. As we all know, when we don't respond to promptings those feelings frequently go away or we miss the opportunity or we just feel guilty for not doing what we know the spirit is nudging us to do. I'm guilty.

 Well, when our Relief Society presidency started throwing around some possible fun and unifying activities we could involve all the sisters in during the summer, I was pricked again - HARD. I know I am supposed to start this club and I hope I haven't missed the opportunity to reach whomever it is that the spirit knows will be touched, if it is someone other than myself. With that said, here is the basic info for our General Conference Summer Reading Club. While we are doing this as a Relief Society endeavor, anyone is welcome to join in.

 Each Sunday starting June 3rd and going through the last Sunday in August I will post a talk here. All you need to do to be a member of the club is to read or listen to the talk. That's it!

 It would be really exciting if you would share your thoughts, feelings or inspirations after you are finished in the comments section of the post.

 If you have so much to say that you would like to write an entire post to be added to our blog, e-mail your words to me at

 As any of you who have sat through one of my lessons knows I am quite capable of monopolizing the entire conversation, but it will be a lot more interesting if more people join in and I will be happy to be silent, most of the time.

 I'm looking forward to reading (and hopefully discussing) with you each week!


Reading Schedule

{Click on any title to go to that talk}

June 3 -    The Race of Life
                President Thomas S. Monson - 66
June 10 -  Special Lessons 
                Elder Ronald A. Rasband - 80
June 17 -  That the Lost May be Found 
                Elder M. Russell Ballard - 97
June 24 -  The Laborers in the Vineyard
                Elder Jeffrey R. Holland - 31
July 1 -     Abide in the Lord's Territory!
                Elder Ulisses Soares - 39
July 8 -     What Thinks Christ of Me?
                Elder Neal L. Anderson - 111
July 15 -   Only Upon the Principles of Righteousness
                Elder Larry Y. Wilson - 103
July 22 -   Mountains to Climb
                President Henry B. Eyring -23
July 29 -   In Tune With the Music of Faith 
                Elder Quentin L. Cook - 41
Aug 5 -    The Vision of Prophets regarding Relief Society
                Julie B. Beck - 83
                Having the Vision to Do
                Elder O. Vincent Haleck - 101
Aug 12 -  Converted to His Gospel through His Church
                Elder Donald L. Hallstrom - 13
Aug 19 -  Teaching Our Children to Understand
                Cheryl A. Esplin - 10
Aug 26 -  The Merciful Obtain Mercy
                President Dieter F. Uchtdorf - 70