For the past couple of years, Stephanie has hosted an online General Conference book club on her blog, Diapers and Divinity. I have followed along sporadically for about a year or so. After General Conference in April, I felt inspired to start a reading club of my own (probably so my reading would be a little more consistent and thoughtful.) Unfortunately, instead of acting on that feeling, I tried to talk myself out of it. I couldn't really decide who to invite to join me - my family, my friends, my Relief Society sisters ... - or the best way to go about doing it. As we all know, when we don't respond to promptings those feelings frequently go away or we miss the opportunity or we just feel guilty for not doing what we know the spirit is nudging us to do. I'm guilty.
Well, when our Relief Society presidency started throwing around some possible fun and unifying activities we could involve all the sisters in during the summer, I was pricked again - HARD. I know I am supposed to start this club and I hope I haven't missed the opportunity to reach whomever it is that the spirit knows will be touched, if it is someone other than myself. With that said, here is the basic info for our General Conference Summer Reading Club. While we are doing this as a Relief Society endeavor, anyone is welcome to join in.
Each Sunday starting June 3rd and going through the last Sunday in August I will post a talk here. All you need to do to be a member of the club is to read or listen to the talk. That's it!
It would be really exciting if you would share your thoughts, feelings or inspirations after you are finished in the comments section of the post.
If you have so much to say that you would like to write an entire post to be added to our blog, e-mail your words to me at
As any of you who have sat through one of my lessons knows I am quite capable of monopolizing the entire conversation, but it will be a lot more interesting if more people join in and I will be happy to be silent, most of the time.
I'm looking forward to reading (and hopefully discussing) with you each week!
Just me commenting on my own post. Apparently I do have a problem with keeping silent. Actually I am trying to figure our a comment tutorial and this is part of my figuring it out.